Weekly History and Geography - 22

Today's WHAG challenge is the Africa Map Match Game.  When you are ready to begin, click the Geography for Kids link http://www.kidsgeo.com/geography-games/africa-map-game.php.  You will be given 21 African countries to drag and match.  You will be timed.

When you are done, return to the blog and reflect on the following questions: 1.  How long did it take you to find 21 African countries?  2.  Did Chapters 2 (Ancient Egypt) and 13 (African Kingdoms) prepare you for the location of any of the countries?  Why or why not?  3.  What was the most difficult part of today's WHAG?  Explain.

Good luck and may the Map Master Forces be with you!


  1. 1. I completed the African Map Match Game in 117 seconds - NEVER missing a country! 2. Yes, chapters 2 and 13 maps helped but also 10 years of teaching African history and geography didn't hurt either! 3. I thought clicking and dragging the countries to the map was most challenging, especially the smaller ones.

  2. Testing post

  3. I got 185 seconds

  4. To find 21 countries it took me 115 seconds. Not really, I don't actually remember those chapters telling me any of those countries. Um the most difficult of this weeks whag was that some of the countries I had no idea so i had to look for the matching shape and that consumed some of my time. Over all I thought this whag was kind of easy compared to last week. I didn't miss any of the countries

  5. 1 It took me 141 seconds not missing 1 country2 Yes, they talked about some of the Africa states3 finding were the small states went, because the small states are hard to spot quickly on Africa if I didn't know them at all.

  6. I took me 213 seconds to get all the countries no because i free got all of them trying to find all the little countries

  7. I did it in 211 seconds. The chapters did not help me at all. Because I don't really know my African countries. The most difficult part was the small countries because they were hard to find on the map and they were hard to grab.

  8. I did it in 134 seconds Chapter 12 and 13 helped me alot because it was easier to find them. The hardest part was dragging them especially the small ones.

  9. 1.I got 136 seconds. 2.Yes it did, i already new some of them so it was easier.3. Getting a good time, It was hard to get a good time because you had to match them up with the map and if you didn't know where the country was, you had to find it.

  10. It took me 200 seconds to find all the country's. Chapter 2 and 13 kind of helped me but i wasn't that prepared and i didn't know where every country was. The most difficult part was dragging the small pieces into the right place because sometimes i couldn't pick it up.

  11. It took me 140 seconds to put 21 countries on the map. Chapter 2 and chapter 13 didn't help me because I just looked at the shape of the countries, and I didn't have any countries that I knew from those chapters. The most difficult part of this whag was finding the little countries and where they go, because of the fact that they were very small and and they were very close together.

  12. my best score was 160 seconds it was fun and i think i know alot more about asia sense we have been studying it in class

  13. 1. I completed the African Map Match in 104 seconds the first time and 96 the second time - NEVER missing a country both times!!! 2. Chapter 2 and 13 helped a little. 3. I thought the hardest part was finding the tiny countries on the map.

  14. I did it in 126 seconds. the chapters helped me a little bit. The most difficult part was the little countries that I did not know, because i could not grab them and I had no idea where the went.

  15. it took 254 sec and it did prepare me.

  16. I completed the African nap match game in 211 - I miss like 5 country's. Yes chapters 2 and 13 maps helped but the little country was a little hard. The hardest thing was clicking and dragging the countries especially the smaller one was the most challenging for me..

  17. 1.I completed this game in 125 seconds. 2.Chapters 2 and 13 helped and it would be easier to know all of these countries before this. 3.Dragging over the smaller countries was the hardest part but I guess all you could do was look at the shapes and get the country.

  18. Yes because when we were in that chapter it helped me remember where the countries were and what they looked like.I think the most difficult part of the Whag was that the countries that were really small it was hard to get it in the right spot

  19. I got 124 seconds-without missing one and no clues. The other chapters helped me out some but I mostly just looked at the shapes of the countries. I would have to say that the hardest part of this one was picking up the small countries because it didn't always pick it up. The other one is finding the smaller countries because it is hard to see it. Jacob out.

  20. It took me 267 second and I missed one it was very challenging at first because they gave me all the small ones but then it got easier. ;]

  21. 1.It took me 123 seconds to locate 21 African countries and didn't miss one. 2.Studying Egypt and African history didn't really help me locate the countries better. 3.I thaught the hardest thing was trying to fit in the tiny countries.

  22. 304 sec. yeah because you study all of them. Dragging them and putting them in the right spot.

  23. Katelyn Fontenot
    I got 134 seconds. The chapters didn't really help me. The hardest part was trying to find the smaller countries.

  24. I got 207 and the hardest part was trying to find the little country's

  25. It took me 169 seconds. The hardest part was trying to pick up the small lands!

  26. I got 186 seconds. No, it didn't really help me, some of the countries I didn't even know existed! The most difficult part was trying to find the tiniest little countries.

  27. I got 250 seconds. The chapters didn't help me because I didn't get very many countries we did. The hardest part was finding the small countries.

  28. I got 204 seconds. The chapters did not help me because we did not learn every country. The hardest part was the smaller countries there were hard to find.

  29. It took me 216 seconds. The chapters didn't help first because I didn't get many countries that we did and I was trying to go fast.(I mainly looked at the outline of the countries.) The hardest part was trying to find were the countries go, mainly the really small islands

  30. I got 187 seconds.no not really because we only learn about a couple countries. The most hardest part to day was finding the really small countries on the map. but I still liked it alot and it was very fun.

  31. I got 150 seconds.The chapters help me,but I knew some that we didn't learn.The hardest part was finding the small countries and the weird shaped countries.This is a fun game

  32. 1. I completed the game in 207 seconds and missed 2 countries. 2. The info. didn't really prepare me for this because the only countries from the chapters were Ghana, Sudan, and Egypt. 3. I think the hardest part was finding the country spots and the smallest countries because the small country spots are hard to find.

  33. It took me 174 seconds to find 21 African countries.Ancient Egypt and African Kingdoms did not really help because I still couldn't find some of the smaller countries but I could find some of the bigger ones. They didn't help because I couldn't remember were some were. I think the most challenging part of this was that I couldn't find the smaller ones and so it took me forever to find them.

  34. 191sec for 21 countries. no, there far apart. the most deffikel part is finding the chines

  35. I got 176 seconds and didn't miss any. The hardest part was the smaller countries. I didn't use what I learned in the chapters.

  36. I did it in 175 seconds. Not really because we didn't go over a lot of the countries only the old cities. The hardest part was trying to find the small countries.

  37. I got 210 seconds i did really bad this time i know next time i will try a lot harder and maybe go a little bit faster becouse i was very slow its amazing how people got such low scores....I did not use anything to help me but my mind.

  38. I got 318 seconds!!! My goal was to get a really high score so I would look clueless(: No they didn't really help me because I have my own techniques that I know help me better (no offense Mrs. Woerner:) I think the most difficult thing was the really small countries, they were hard to find and also hard to drag!!!

  39. I got 216sec. it was hard but I got it thow.

  40. My time was 287 seconds. I think this was a good idea. Because you can reflect on how you did. This is a fun game just like the Africam even though that's not a game. This is a fun way to do the whags.

  41. I got 153 seconds and that game was fun but at first I needed a little bit of help

  42. I got 146 seconds. I agree with Mrs. Woerner that the hardest part is trying to pick up the pieces. The larger pieces like Argentina. The smaller pieces took forever. The other chapters didn't really help much because I know nothing about Africa.

  43. i guess it was okay... i got 168 seconds because some of the pieces were hard to see

  44. I got 207 seconds and no the chapters didn't really help at all because i have no idea where any countries in Africa are. This is a very hard game to conquer.

  45. Mackenzie SteepletonJanuary 21, 2011 at 12:02 PM

    i got 21 countries in 192 seconds

  46. 1.It took me 127 seconds and only missed 1 2.kid of because i reconized some of the countries 3. trying to find were the smallest countries went.

  47. I finished this game with 202 seconds. I don't think that either chapter really helped because we didn't study all the countries. It helped that I know about Burundi and surrounding countries from a movie I watched. The hardest part was finding the very small countries.

  48. It took me 229 sec.

  49. 1. It took me 168 seconds.

    2. No i just placed the pieces where they were suppose to go by looking at the outline.

    3.The most difficult part was trying top find where some of the little pieces went.

  50. I got 21 countries in 263 seconds. The hardest part was definitely the little countries; specifically Gambia! Ugh. The other chapters did not help because we don't really study modern countries we study ancient and medieval countries.

  51. I finished all 21 countries in 169 seconds.I didn't use any sources except on one of the small ones I clicked clue.I thought the hardest thing was trying to put the smaller countries in the right spot.

  52. 1. I played the African Map Match game and got 134 seconds and only missed one country. 2. yes chapter 2 and 13 helped a little. 3. I thought dragging and finding the smaller countries was the hardest.

  53. I finished the puzzle in 213 seconds. The hardest part was the fact that I EPICALLY FAIL when it comes to geography so I had absolutely no idea where any of the countries were supposed to go. I basically had to do it as a puzzle (matching the shapes). Since I did this method, the larger pieces were much easier. The chapters didn't help me...at all.

  54. My time was 203 seconds. The chapters 12 and 13 didn't help because I only got completely tiny or unfamiliar countries. The hardest part was finding the dot-sized countries on the map because they all looked the same.

  55. Oh, but I didn't mess any! (I guess my method IS effective! Slow...but effective.)

  56. It took me 219 seconds. I thought the hardest thing was finding some of the smaller countries and dragging them over. Chapters 2 and 13 didn't really help me I just kinda looked at the country then tried to compare it to the same one.

  57. ...and I didn't use any clues!

  58. 1. my time was 167 seconds. 2. the book didn't really help me because like NOAH WALTERS, I'm not a good finder, but mine is with memory. 3. The worst part was DEFENITELY the really tiny countries, and that really ticked me off.

  59. I thought it was really fun. It also helped my memorize my map.

  60. 1. It took me 291 seconds to finish 21 states.2. No, the chapters didn`t really help because they didn`t say the names of the states.3. The difficult part was finding the countries, because you had to find the correct shapes and there was a lot of them.

  61. It took me 259sec. Chapter 2 and 13 did help me because I remembered what the countries look like when i was filling out the map. The most difficult thing was finding the smallest countries

  62. I got 354 seconds on the game.The hardest thing was probably finding the small country Djibouti.It was the hardest thing because it was so small and it hid from me.Chapter 2 didn't help me at all but chapter 13 helped me a little bit.

  63. My time was 359 seconds. Yes because I know where the countries go. The hard part was trying to find where they go but it was really fun.

  64. My time was 233 (horrible). No not really; because of I don't know it just wasn't helpful I really don't pay attention to that I'm really competitive.
    Finding the small countries in those really hard tiny places.

  65. I go 191 seconds. The hardest part of the game is putting small countries on the map!

  66. I got 157 seconds. I had no clues. The chapters didn't help because I don't know where any of the countries are except Madagascar and South Africa. The hardest part was finding where the tiny countries went.

  67. 1. I participated in this WHAG finishing with a time of 242 seconds.

    2. I found that those chapters were helpful with only the countries: Benin, Mali, and Ghana.

    3. Finding the smallest countries and the fact that sometimes the screen would move when I moved the countries were the hardest parts of the game.

  68. Paige just got lucky; good Job Paige and Noah(Noah was saying he was better he was right)!

  69. It took me 258 seconds to get all 21 countries. Chapters 2 and 13 helped a little but most countries were not ones that we studies. I think the hardest thing was finding the place where each country went.

  70. Troy Eden said...
    I completed the game in 295 seconds. The game was difficult because I didn't know where many of the countries were located. Could you please add more to the lessons so that we could learn more about the other countries

  71. Testing post

  72. I got 163 seconds. The chapters did not help because none of the countries in the chapters were in the map. the hardest part were the really small countries.

  73. I got 201 seconds pretty fun!

  74. I got 184 it was hard as heck. Most were small.

  75. I matched them in 185 seconds. Those chapters didn't help because I didn't remember. The hardest part was that the mouse kept scrolling down when i was trying to play and some countries were tiny.

  76. I finished in 215 seconds i didn't use any chapters in the book. It was really frustrating because of the small ones.

  77. I go 120 seconds, I do think that the chapters were help because they told us were some go, i think that the hardest part was dragging them to it because some were so small

  78. I got 184 because I didn't know what at first. Also the tiny countries were hard!

  79. 1. How long did it take you to find 21 African countries? It took me 184 seconds. 2. Did Chapters 2 (Ancient Egypt) and 13 (African Kingdoms) prepare you for the location of any of the countries? No Why or why not? Because I just looked at the shape of the country and then looked at the map of Africa and found the little shape that looked like the one that I had and put it there. 3. What was the most difficult part of today's WHAG? Trying to find where the little pieces go.

  80. 1. I got 200 seconds. 2. Not really because most of the countries were so small and we didn't even learn about yet. 3. The hardest part was finding the countries because some were so small.

  81. The hardest part was the smaller countries. I got 157 seconds.

  82. I finished the game in 202 seconds. It helped me with a few,but not many. It didn't help me very much because the other countries around the country we were study weren't labeled, so I didn't know them. I though that finding the smaller countries and placing was the hardest since they were so small.

  83. I took 175 seconds on the Map game. I do think that the chapters kind of helped me because I kind of remember where some go and a couple of shapes. I think the hardest part of today's WHAG would have to have been finding the countries. :) It was fun and I want to do something like this again.

  84. I completed the game in 190 seconds. Chapters 2 and 3 did help me a bit. But the hardest part about it was locating the smaller pieces because you couldn't see the spots where to put them.(:

  85. I liked the game alot i finished my first time in 111 seconds with no clues. Our previous units in Egypt and Medivial Africa

  86. 210 seconds and yes the chapters helped me because you get to learn where to place them and the hardest part was to find where to put the smaller ones because they are hard to see sometimes...

  87. I had a good time doing this it helped me learn where the places go. It took me 189se!!

  88. I finished the game in 185 seconds. I didn't think that the chapters helped me though because it wanted me to find all of the countries that we hadn't learned about. It was hard to find the teeny tiny countries about the size of a dot.

  89. It took me 160 seconds to place all the countries. Some of the countries names were related to the area, like Southern Africa, which made it a little easier to place the country. The hardest part for me was the little countries.

  90. I completed the game 248 sec. lesson 2 helped a little bit because i knew where Egypt was.SO MANY TINY COUNTRIES!!!!!!!!!!! They are hard to find

  91. It took me 240 seconds. Yes the chapters helped me find the countries. I think the hardest part was finding where the smallest countries go.

  92. I liked the game alot i finished my first time in 111 seconds with no clues. Our previous units in Egypt and Medivial Africa helped me alot

  93. I got 133 seconds.No I don't think i was prepared at all.I only knew where like 5 things are.Finding the smallest place that looked like a river.

  94. I completed this in 153 seconds. Chapter 2 and 13 helped me because I remembered where some of the country's where. Thank you for making this site it is a good review.

  95. It took me 167 seconds. I think the chapters helped me a little because some of them I knew right away and some I didn't. Some of the countries where hard to find because some where really small.

  96. try to bet 80 sec. on whag 22 high score and by the way that was a fun game:)

  97. 1. It took me 210 seconds to find all 21 countries. It made it alot easier to play with the things we have learned so far . i
