8th Grade SOS #3

How much do you know about America's earliest days of independence?  Take the following FactMonster quiz by clicking on

Then, return to the blog and answer the following questions:

1.  What was your score on the quiz?

2.  The Preamble to the Declaration of Independence states:  "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."  What do you think that means?

3.  The Declaration of Independence also states:  "all men are created equal, that they are endowed... with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."  Do you believe this was true in 1776?  Why or why not?  Do you believe this is true in 2011?  Why or why not?


  1. 1. 5 right, 5 wrong.

    2. I honestly have no clue.

    3. It's not true in 2011, because the rich people just get more than the poor people and in 1776 all men were like they are today.

  2. 1. I got 7 correct and 3 wrong; 70%
    2. I think that means that in human events you shouldn't be connected with the people that control you (example: Britain over the 13 colonies). You should also have an explanation as to why you want to seperate and become your own nation or country.
    3. I believe that it was not true in 1776. Many other people in Britain obviously didn't believe this either. Because British people believed that they owned the 13 colonies and they believed that the colonists weren't as great as them. I believe this is 100% true in 2011. There are many laws against treating people unfairly. Especially since slavery was ended everybody is equal including women.

  3. 4 right,6 wrong

    those that do bad should be punished

    All Americans should be free
    all humans were created eqaly

  4. 1. 8 right, 2 wrong.
    2. I think it means that they do not want to be ruled by a king. They want to make their own decisions and not be forced to do something. They want to be respected and treated properly so they want to be free.
    3. 1776- no because they didn't mention women and they didn't mention slaves. 2011- I sort of think this is true but not fully because we have a president and we have to follow rules that wont always make us happy. We still have freedoms though.

  5. 1. i got 6 right and 4 wrong.
    2.i think it means getting rid of all the stuff and listen to others and have to respect what others say.
    3.i don't believe this because back then they all weren't treated the same and they all weren't happy all the time.

  6. I got five right and five wrong. I didn't do to well. I think it means that they can do anything, they don't have to follow the law. They shall have Independence. no i don't believe that it was true because the king took over the Americans lives. They didn't have the freedom to do anything the wanted to do. The had to pay taxes on everything. I believe it's true now because everyone has the freedom to do what the want. They don't have to declare Independence again. So i believe it is true.

  7. 1.7/10
    2.I think that means that the human events connected with each other and the Laws were there opinions that requires them to be apart. Or to get rid of it.
    3.Yes I believe this is true because nobody wanted anyone to to mess with there stuff and not letting anyone take your stuff. To this day I don't really know if this is true because people will take other peoples stuff with out permission or they steal.

  8. 1. 4/10
    2. i think it means that they want to be seporated in a god fashon and they will use what nactue gavethem to win it.
    3. no they where not. the british thought that they where beater. they taxed them and other stuff to. yes they could do what they want when thay want as long as it is good.

  9. 1.4 out 10
    2.I think it means every person has an oppion
    3.not in 1776,because there was slaves and women didn't have a lot of rights. mostly true in 2011,I mean it still exist today,but not as much in 1776.

  10. 1. I got 6 out of 10.
    2. That means to me that every man has its own right as an American citizen and no one can take that away from you.
    3. I do believe they did really mean this in 1776 because they really wanted everybody †o have the same rights as an American citizen. No I don't think this is true because we don't treat everybody the same like they did back then in 1776.

  11. i got 8 out 2
    rights of humanity
    no because their is still slavery
    yes their is rights in race

  12. Question 1) 6/10

    Question 2) I think that it means that they need to not dissrespect nature and what it has given to them, and that everyone is envolved in this and not just some people.

    Question 3) 1776- No, the only reason I don't think that it is true is because in that time period in history King George the 3rd was trying to control taxes.

    2011- Yes, because we have the freedom to do what we want,we also have reasons to have happiness

  13. 1. 10 right o wrong.
    2. You should not have to follow a leader you do not like.
    3. No because they had slaves. Today I think there is more freedom but not every one is free.

  14. 7 out of 10.
    I think it means that every deserves to be treated equally.
    I think this applies to everyone except when your pursuit of happiness is not God's will.

  15. 1. 6 out of 4

    2.I think it means that people should have the same rights as the white men.

    3.yes,and no because all men should have equal rights just as the women, because the men can't have all the rights it's not fair to the women
    and the women should have rights to and be equal just as the men gets the equal rights so should the women.

  16. 3.I belive it was true in 1776 for men to think they be the only ones to be free,beacuse them being so strong thinking they should be the top dog.

    Part 2 I think in 2011 we should know all Americans should be free,beacuse there have been so many poworful women in the U.S. and in our lives,amd also black peaple like oepra winfree .

  17. 1. 60%
    2. I am not completly positve but i think that it means that when the goverment begins to treat people improperly they have every right to seperat from that goverment/ ruler. I also belive that they are saying that is a right they are born with one that God as given them.
    3.yes I belive that EVERY man is created equle and woman of every ethnic groop back then and now. but I think that they ment every rich wight man. I do not belive that the statment is correct though think that they should have said that every
    man and woman of every ethnic groop is created equle, insted.

  18. Peasent Wuffa (Salem Snoop)September 8, 2011 at 11:43 AM

    1. 7 out of 3 which is 70%

    2. I don't really know what it means.

    3. 1976- yes because they deserve all those rights.
    2011- Yes because we still deserve all of those rights today.

  19. 1.score: 7 right,3 wrong (70%)
    2. i think the preamble to the declaration of in dependance means people need to follow the rules and be safe and do what you supposed to do.

    "and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them"

    3.all men are equal and all men and women should be treated equally

  20. shelby brewer and brittnee highSeptember 8, 2011 at 1:41 PM

    1. What was your score on the quiz?

    2. The Preamble to the Declaration of Independence states: "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." What do you think that means?
    we think it means freedom.

    3. The Declaration of Independence also states: "all men are created equal, that they are endowed... with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." Do you believe this was true in 1776? Why or why not? Do you believe this is true in 2011? Why or why not?

    yes then but not now because it seems like theres not as much happiness as there use to be.

  21. 1. 4 right 6 wrong

    2. I think it means if the people have to break away from the government they can

    3. I don't think it was true in 1776, they did deserve the rights but some people didn't get it.

    4. It is enforced in laws now but that doesn't mean some people don't try to break it.

  22. 1. I got 5 out of 10
    2. I think it means that when some one wants to be there own nation they should get to whether someone else likes it or not.
    3. No because there is the homeless which have no money meaning no home or food a.k.a no happiness.

  23. 1.My score was 6 right and 4 wrong.
    2.I think it means that you should not be controlled by somebody else.
    3.for 1776 no because not everyone was treated fairly because of slavery. For 2011 its more equal than it was before but people with more money are more respected than people with less money.

  24. 1. 6 right 4 wrong

    2. that all people should do the right thing

    3. yes, they did not treat women the same.

  25. 1.i got 8 out of 10 right.
    2. What i think this passage means is that you should do what the law requires and don't get into any trouble. Be respectful to the government and the law.
    3.I believe that this passage in 1776 was not true because there was slavery and some laws that were in order. I think that in 2011 it is true because we have freedom of speech and we can do just about anything.

  26. 1.Four out of ten.
    2.Everybody is entitled to have there own opinions and rights.
    3.In 1776, no it was not because King George rules over the colonies. Yes it is because all men are treated equally and same with women rights.

  27. Gage Kray and Ryan Anderson:)September 8, 2011 at 1:44 PM

    We got 8 right, and 2 wrong 80%.

    That each and every man should have their own rights, and be free to their own opinions, and should not be held accountable for their political beliefs.

    Not true in 2011 because men/women can be executed for breaking the law. In 1776 we think that it was true because we do not know for sure if they could be executed for breaking the law or for their political beliefs.

  28. 1. 6/10:)
    2. I don't really understand completely what that means but i think it has something to do with treating people fairly. Thinking politics should be together not apart. Everything should be thought and get some input of peoples opinion.
    3. Every man had rights and independence. I think it has always stood true. They had less rights then, rather then now but it was still true. Your actions and words are you pretty much. Whether it's 1976 or 2011 it should always stand true. Just because we all have our ways of living and make our own dictions.

  29. 1. 8 right, 2 wrong
    2. God entitles everyone to freedom and have rights to seperate from Britian.
    3. It wasn't true in 1776, because Britian put them under unnecassary taxes and put them under their rule. Today, I still don't believe this because if you ask anyone, they will say that wealthy people are treated better than people with less money.

  30. 1. I got 5/10 on the test
    2. I think that the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence says that when it is necessary to leave the control of there political leders and leave and become there own nation
    3.1 No i do not because black poeple were still slaves and women were not given many rights.2 Yes because we dont have slaves and women have rights

  31. Noah Walter and Caleb SteklSeptember 8, 2011 at 1:45 PM

    1. 6 out of10
    2. That when the leaders abuse their power for their own good that the people under their control have the right to overthrow them and elect new power.
    3. No and yes because they didn't have liberty but they had life. They also didn't have freedom because they were under British rule. Yes because any man can become the leader of our country and we will always have happiness if we make it for ourselves.

  32. 1. What was your score on the quiz? I got 8 out of the 10 questions right!
    2. The Preamble to the Declaration of Independence states: "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." What do you think that means? I believe it means that you should treat each other with respect, and have brotherhood.
    3. The Declaration of Independence also states: "all men are created equal, that they are endowed... with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." Do you believe this was true in 1776? Why or why not? Do you believe this is true in 2011? Why or why not?In 1776, no...of course they should of been treated equal, but not everyone was treated equal. Some people didn't believe that everyone should be treated equal...so they didn't treat everyone equal. And now, 2011, I believe most people treat each other equal...but some people still don't treat each other equally, so I'd say yes, but no...at the same time.

  33. 1. I answered 2 questions wrong, and 8 right.

    2. I think the Preamble to the Declaration means that we, as the people of The United States of America, shouldn't let things like politics divide us. We should put aside our differences and fight for freedom. Saying that it is by Nature that we should do this.

    3. I believe that this statement has always been true, and will always be. However, I do not think that they actually believed that. They believed that all white men, just me, deserved that. They did not include people of other races, or women. Now, in 2011 at times it is true, but we still let things like racism separate us. We also have more things that we are judged on that separate us, such as money, clothes, and how you look or act.

  34. 1.I got 8/10.
    2.I think it means that some people realized things were unfair so they tried to separate to make things equal.
    3.No, I do not think it was fair because they taxed the colonists and they had no say in the laws the British made. In some parts of the world it's not true. Ex:Africa.

  35. 1. I got 8 right and 2 wrong because I am awesome.
    2. I didn't understand most of it but I think it was talking about how you should be respected by all mankind. I also think that it is saying how you have certain rights.
    3. I really don't believe that this was true back then because I KNOW that blacks and women weren't treated fairly back then. I think that this is more true in 2011 because there is no more slavery. Women are treated equal to males too now days.

  36. 1. I got 6 right and 4 wrong.
    2. I think that the preamble to the Declaration of Independence means that we have the right to be us. To be free whenever we want, to no longer be under control of anyone. We have the right, and we have been given the right. It's ours and no one can take that away from us.
    3. I don't think that it was true in 1776. I don't believe it because the white, rich, men got everything. The slaves were not equal, they didn't have the rights that the whites had. And women didn't have it either! I don't think that it is even true now. I don't think it's true because African Americans are still discriminated against, women have more rights but are still treated unfairly. The only people who get it good right now are wealthier people or so it seems.

  37. 1.6/10
    2.I think it means that people are all equal
    3. No because the British did not think that they thought they were better than everyone else.

  38. 1. What was your score on the quiz? 40%

    2. The Preamble to the Declaration of Independence states: "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." What do you think that means?
    i think it means freedom... and that its time to part ways with the laws and go for what we were intitled to.

    3. The Declaration of Independence also states: "all men are created equal, that they are endowed... with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." Do you believe this was true in 1776? Why or why not? Do you believe this is true in 2011? Why or why not?
    yes, because we are all entitled to all three of those thing. and yes we are still entitled to all three of those thing and we always should be. so i think that we should continue to follow those three philosophies.

  39. 1. 6 out of 4 or 60%

    2.you can have your own opinion.

    3. no because if all men were created equal than why was there slaves. i still do not think people are equal now.

  40. 1. my score was 9 out of 10
    2. I think it means when someone sees or does something that they weren't or shouldn't do when they sighed something because its not right to sign something then you don't make a promise to it.
    3. I don't believe that this happened in 1779 because not all men were treated like roaly. i do think that most men are treated like this now but not all men are because not all men have jobs amd aren't payed the same.
