8th Grade SOS #10

Let's hit the road! 

Click on the National Geographic Lewis and Clark Expedition Game (http://www.nationalgeographic.com/west/) and make your way to the Pacific Ocean by making difficult travel decisions.  Make sure you READ the journal entries and trace your journey on the map.  Then, return to the blog and summarize the results of your journey.


  1. Peasent Wuffa (Salem Snoop)October 27, 2011 at 11:36 AM

    This is my journey with Lewis and Clark. I started by gearing up with some food.After a while I run into Indians who seized one of my ships and demands a canoe full of goods and I stand my ground. Luckily, the chief protects me and I get all my stuff back! We then find a woman who is 6 months pregnant and she asked to come along and we say yes. I had to choose between the North Fork and the South Fork and choose the North Fork but they decide to go north because there are horses south but not north. Then I have to choose wether or not I forge on or wait for spring and I forged on. We lost some horses along the way but still made it across. Now I have found the sea and my expodition is over and can head home! This was my journey!

  2. My first decision on the the expedition was to take 2 years worth of supplies of food and not paper. Many of my food would expire and would be very hard to carry. I would have to trade with the natives. When Teton Seioux stops our progresss and demands goods, I chose to stand firm. Yes, I almost died, but Black Buffalo from the Teton Seioux helps us escape by restraining his tribe from shooting. I then choose to allow Sacagawea and her husband to help follow us on the expedition. The Indians on your expedition described a great waterfall, but there was a fork in the river. I chose to go to the south fork and ended up taking weeks of extra journey that could have been saved if I had gone north. As I cross the mountains, i choose to forge ahead instead of waiting for spring. My team barely made it out alive from the horrible blizzard that occured. Our journey was tough, but we made it!

  3. The journey was successful. We were almost starved, but afterwards Indians gave us food. For every action there was a positive AND negative side to everything. When we were at the mountains we ate 4 baby horses (colts). Eww. We also lost a few horses but afterwards. Everything after that was okay. Everybody was healthy too at the end of the trip.

  4. when i went on the journey i took food instead of paper. I ended up braking my back from haling all the food onto the bout.When we hand to deside which way to go, north or south, i took north. it was shorter and the path was more clear. when winter came we pushed through it and we almost starved to death. but at the end we ended up getting the river alive and well.:)

  5. This is my journey -
    First I had to choose food over paper so I choose food so that we wouldn't starve, but then relized that wasn't the best choice because it was a lot of work to hall the food everywhere. But paper is way lighter. I'll just have to trade with other merchant's on the way. We came to a big fork in the river and had to chose weither we wanted to go north or south. The south fork is less muddy, and not as fast and turbulant as the north. The I made the choice to let a 6 month pregnant woman on my ship with her husband. Which was a win win for us because we ended up meet her brother who gave us horses. Which will help us travel through the appilation mountains. This turned out to be a good trip. =)

  6. I made it through the journey though there was some problems. I stood firm when I came to the hostile indians and was saved by some other indian person. I let the young indian teenager on board and she helped us. I said that we should of waited until spring till we crossed the mountains but Lewis and Clark had other plans and we trudged forward. We almost starved and then we got fish and other food from some friendly indians. We then made our way to our destination and survived. I found this SOS interesting but I think they could of labeled the end trail map better because I had some trouble understanding it.

  7. well, the journey was very interesting,because you have to lead your group and make choices. When i had a tough choice to make.so i read the journal entries to know where to go next. i made the right choice on the journey. a young girl, named, Sacagawea.who got kidnapped when she was a young girl.

  8. First on my Lewis and Clark expidition I would bring paper instead of two years worth of food. There was no way it would stay fresh for two years. Then when i encoutnered some warriors who wanted all our goods I went ahead and gave it to them because they had guns and arrows. As we went along we found a very good interpreter, Toussaint Charbonneau, we asks him to join our party. He wants to bring his Indian wife, a Shoshone who was kidnapped as a child years ago by another tribe. She is about six months pregnant. I say go right ahead and bring her. At the river I say go to the south. Even though it will be longer it is a lot safer for the horses. I said wait of spring but they don't listen to me and nearly starve to death, but they made it through the mountains. Finally we made it there and are enjoying it.

  9. This journey for Lewis and Clark was pretty fun.The first descicon I made was bring food for the next 2 years and they kinda yelled at him,because we can hunt on your journey. I think the next thing that happen was that indians wanted our stuff, you could chose stand your ground or let them have it. I stood our ground, it didn;t work well. The next option was to take the north or south fork. I took the south it was longer but safer. The next option was to have an infiant travel with us. I said no,but i guess Lewis and Clark were kinda soft hearted because they let her go with us. The next option was to wait for spring to cross the mountain or push forward. We had to eat three colts,we barely surived.Then we were done with the trip.I think they disaggred with me a lot.

  10. My journal started off by taking all the fresh food and builds a winter fort near Madan Villages. Toussaint Charbonneau asked to join the party but he also wants his wife who is six months pregnant and is an Indian. They let them aboard and months later her long lost brother will provides horses to make it across the mountains. Then we go south to the river where it is clear. We had to leave the boats and take everything on horse back. We went during the winter and hardly survived but made it through past the mountains. We traveled through in canoes straight through the rapids of the Columbia River. It was a hard but interesting journey.

  11. We started by going across the Missouri River and meeting Indian's that would help us explore the new land. The Indians weren't friendly at first because they asked for all of our food and supplies. Their chief stopped the Indians from hurting us and we made friends with them. Sacagawea, a Shoshone Indian, travels along with us to help guide us through the mountains. When we were traveling, we met Sacagawea's long lost brother who was a chief of another tribe. He lent us horses and gave us food for our journey. Once we got to the mountains, it was approaching winter, and the mountains were already capped with snow. Many horses died because they slipped off or fell. Once we got well over the mountains, we found another tribe, the Nez Peirce, and they made canoes for us to go on the Columbia River. When we got to the end of the river, we figured out that it led out to the Pacific Ocean. We have been gone for 2 years and 4 months.

  12. The results of my journey were.I wanted to attacked some indian's but i would have almost killed the group so we left in peace instead.I picked up an Indian girl and her husband to help guide us. Then we ran into a mountain and had to go over it but almost died. Then we went down a river and made it to the coast.

  13. My jurny was a sucses, was able to complet the journy. Although the journy was a sucses few problems were ran into on the way there. For example we almost didnt survive winter. My reqest to wait out the winter until spring at the camp site was ingnord. So we had forged ahead through the montians during the winter. We almost parished several times during the winter. But the advice I gave them that they lisend to help them emensly. For example when i told them that we should alowe the indanian woman to join the expadiation she turn out to help a lot. That is how my adventuer whent.

  14. On my journey with Lewis and Clark I seemed to know what to do. I hardly have any exsperince with vouging the outdoors. You would have to make desigenes everyday. Like whether to stand your ground or give your suplise away. Or go South or North. It was very intresting.

  15. the lewis and clark expidition was really cool.first they asked you if you needed to bring paper or food and i said 2 year of food because then you had to go back through the trails and carry all of the food.well then they ask you when you run into the warriors if you need to abandon there food or stay firm. i said get the food because you need more in but they said you would come back and get you and you wont be out fast enough.i said all aboard to Sachagawea and the other one and they said yes we will take them any day.then they ask to go to the north fork or the south fork and i said north because its pointing towards north.then they ask if you will forge ahead or wait for spring and i said forge ahead because you dont wanna stay back it will take longer.they get lost in the bliazzard and i have to stop and eat 3 colts. i really liked this sos i want to do it agian.

  16. We started at Camp Wood and brought more food then paper. As we were walking, we came across an Indian Tribe and they wanted to trade our canoe for some bows and arrows. We refused the trade and they left; so we moved on and build camp near a Mandan Indian village. Sacagawea and her husband asked to join our group and we allowed them to come along. We came to a fork in the road where there were mountains to the South and a river to the North. We decided to go South towards the mountains. We did not stop to make camp and we began to starve so we ate out coats. Then we came along the Pacific Ocean and it turned out to be an interesting trip.

  17. My Lewis and Clark adventure started badly because I thought that you should take a two-year supply of food and not books a blank paper. Later in the journey things got better. I was right when I let the the baby and Saqugawea come along. Then I took them down the south fork in the river when it would of been faster to go down the north fork. I made it out alive though. If i would have taken this journey i probaly would not be alive.

  18. On my journey I first picked the supplies of food, which was a bad idea. Next, i abandoned the goods to not risk getting killed, With less to trade now. on are way we find out that Sacagawea is six months pregnant but happily allow her child.I recommend to take the north fork which is the quickest route but they don't listen anyways. We decide to forge on but get lost in a September blizzard in the process.The Nez Percé Indians give us food and roots which help us on are way. Luckily, we survived. That was my journey.

  19. I started by bringing paper because I thought that we could hunt for food along the way. I stood firm to protect my supplies and almost died. I then chose to bring the Shoshone girl, who I knew was Sacagawea so she would be useful. I took the south fork and even though it's longer, there are horses in the south. I waited for spring but the rest of my crew didn't. We were led astray and nearly starved, but we survived. The Indians then fed us from there and helped me reach the Pacific. I almost died a few times, but I made it!

  20. I started my journey by bringing along 2 years of food. After a while, we ran into an Indian tribe who was going to kill us if we didn't give them our food. We decided to stand our ground, and this turned out well because the whole thing got resolved. I let Sacagawea come aboard which worked out well because her brother let us have some horses for our journey. We then reached a bend in the missouri river, we took the south, and ran into more horses and supplies provided by sacagawea's brother. Then, we came to the rockies, we decided to push on, lost some horses along the way but finally made it to the pacific!

  21. On my Lewis and Clark adventure, I started out good because i got paper and book so i could have maps to find my way. Then later it got a little bit worse and got harder. The I let the babies come along then said that this man got taken by someone from another Indian tribe. Then I almost staved to death, but barley lived.

  22. ok so we started out journey at camp wood, near st. louis. we brought along with us books of blank paper, and we brought lots of it, too! During the first four months of our journey we came across many different indian tribes. all was well until we came across the teton sioux. they were ready to put up a fight, as were we. after the tribes chief freed us, we made our way to the mandan villages to set for winter.e. one shoshone, a woman, is 6 months pregnant. one more mouth to feed. hopefully the child wont eat much. the womans brother provided us with horses. we had to choose to go north or south fork. so like they say, follow the north star, we went the north fork. even though the north route is shorter, the rest of the group insists on going south. oh, well. we are to the bitterroot mountains now. i think we should wait for spring, but they do not. this results in loss. after some more trekking we made it!

  23. I took 2 Years of suply but it was hard because it was heavy. People stole a boat and tried to take our supplies and aimed there arrows at us. A chief let us have our boast back and leave. We took in Toussaint and Sacagawea, she helped us get horses because of he tribe We kept going though the winter and almost starved. WE went through a rapid river. We survived.

  24. I think this journey would be fun but hard work. I decided to bring paper and books along with me because I would like to write down my discoveries and progress. On the way..I abandoned my goods to save my followers, but luckily, another tribe saved us. Then I met Sacagawea and her husband. She helped us on our journey. When i made it to the fork..i chose to go through the clear way, which made my journey longer and harder. We starved and lost many horses, but in the end, we survived!(:

  25. This is what happened on my Lewis and Clark trip. I started out taking more paper, because i knew you could just hunt animals. Later I decided not to fight with the Indians and A chief saved me. Later I brought Sacagawea along and she proved helpful. Then I decided to sail south and it took much more time than it would have taken if i would have gone north. I the made it back safely. It was fun.

  26. My journey was a complete success. :)
    First I started with taking food along because...I'm a big boy and need to eat.
    After that they said that we ran into a tribe of indians. Of course I said I would stand firm and fight.
    After that they asked me if I wanted to bring pregnant Sacagewea. I said "All aboard!" My "groupies" said that they agree with my choice. After that they asked if i would take the north for or the south fork. I said south, but i was wrong. :| It said that it would take longer to do the south fork than the north fork.
    After that they asked me if i would wait for spring or forge ahead. I said forge ahead and won. hehe this was a pretty fun S.O.S. :)

  27. On my Louis and Clark expidition i seemed to always pick the wrong thing...but i survived. I took the two years of food, but then most of it would expire so I could of been better off taking the paper so we wouldn't get lost and made maps and record what happened. So then started to trade with the Indians. I almost died but Black Buffalo from the Teton Seioux helps us escape so we didn't get shot. Then choose to NOT to let any kids on the trail witch i thought would be best. But they came anyway!? But it's okay:) Even though it was long and hard i made it!

  28. This is my wonderful and scary journey. We first brought books to track are knowledge we have found and to make maps for later expeditions. We then go and almost get killed but we gave the food in return of are lives. Next, we had a new passenger on the journey. I then decided to go to the North Fork, but they didn't listen and they went south. They extended the journey. I then built a camp and not go fourth the rest of the journey and again they didn't listen. Some got lost in the blanket of snow. The Indian tribe helped us and we desended into the ocean.

  29. My journey started by me bringing the blank books of paper instead of two years worth of food. I guess i figured that where would we be without knowing of this event and we need paper to do this.As the journey progress' we come across an Indian tribe and they would like to trade our canoe for some bows and arrows, but I stand my ground.Yes i know this means a standoff could accur but luckly and Indian chief come to the rescue.So we headed towards the mountains, but snow is coming but we decide to go forward with the journey but this may have been a mistake, we are forced to eat three of our horses to survive. Then we alow sacagawea to come along even though she is pregnant along with her husband. We came to a fork in the road when we needed to cross the river. But in the end i decided to take the south.We then came to our final destination without any death except for the horses.

  30. we started at camp wood and we brought paper and a journal.Then we got our food.has all of us we were walking ,and we came across an Indian tribe. they wanted to trade with us for our canoe for bows and arrows. We stood our ground and refused. to give it and we had a good time and a really cool adveture

  31. I made it threw the journey of Lewis and Clark. I desided i wanted to take a notebook and piece of paper instead if food because how would Lewis and Clark have told us there whole story and how they did it because they can always find food out in the wild or out in the woods. I also thought it was going to be a good idea to bring Sacagawea because she knows a lot about the wilderness and how to get around. Although she had a baby on the trail she still made threw it. I realized that i would not want to go on this trip because it would have been really hard because we don't know how things were going to go. But it would have been fun to at least see some of the things on there way there.

  32. Sorry mine was erased so this won't be as long. At first I decided we need food. Wrong we needed paper. Then we set off on the Missouri River, and came upon an Indian tribe who tried to steal our canoe and goods. Next we picked up Sacajawea and her husband. Sacajawea was 6 months pregnant, but we needed and interpreter. When we came to the fork in the road I decided that we should take the southern route, but the northern turned out to be the faster route. Next were the dreaded mountains we traveled over them, barely surviving. We then traveled down the Columbia River. Lastly we saw the ocean. We had made it!

  33. I started my journey when I left St. Louis in search of making it to the Pacific Ocean. My first decision was to bring the paper. I made this decision because I heard Noah screaming at his computer next to me because he answered that question wrong. I stood firm when I encountered the natives. That was a wrong decision and it got kind of mad at me. I got the rest of the questions right and I ended up surviving my journey to the Pacific Ocean.

  34. We started the journey at camp wood where we took plenty of paper to map rivers and take observations. after that we where held up by Indians and they captured on of our ships but we stood our ground but then Black Buffalo helped us. once we set up a winter camp then Toussaint Charbonneau asked if he and his pregnant wife could come and we said yes, then later she showed she was of great use. we encounter her long lost brother and he helps us by giving us horses for the journey. We hit a fork in the river and decided to take the south fork which is longer than the north path but has more horses and the north dosn't. we decided to push on when we made it to the mountains in the winter. Then we followed the Colombian river and then made it to the pacific ocean.

  35. My journey was good. But there is no way i would want to to it my self. First I was going to bring more food than paper. I decided not to do that will be to heavy.then I got in a fight with some indians. then had to decide the right way to fallow. then we had to eat 3 of our hourses. then we met some more indians that where very nice and fed us. it was a trip with many ups and downs twist and turns.

  36. I started at Camp Wood. taking more paper than food because the food wouldn't last as long as the journey would take. My group and I then continued on for 4 months, where we met the Teton Sioux, the first tribe to detest us. They demanded that we give them a canoe full of goods, and we almost gave in until the chief halted them, and let us leave. Then as we reach the Mandan villages, a male, Toussaint Charbonneau, asks to join us with his pregnant wife. We accept that and she really comes in handy. Then we reach a north or south fork in the river, my plan was to follow the North, but they denied my advice. Instead we went on the South, gaining us more horses. Even though it causes us several more weeks on the journey. We then forged ahead on the mountains, but we should've waited for spring. We made it, barely alive. Then we decide to go to the ocean, tribes call us Crazy, going through the rapids of the Columbia River! Yet we make it through that too. We finally made it, and had a fun journey on the way.

  37. The Lewis and Clark expedition is really awesome. At the beginning, we started off with blank paper we could use for journal writing and maps. Our crew then is raided by Native Americans. We stand our ground and Black Buffalo, a Tenton Sioux chief, saves the day and retrieves our belongings. Then on our journey, we run across Charbonneau and his six-month pregnant teenage wife, Sacagawea. She is very helpful in directions and her long-lost brother, a Shoshone chief, gives us horses. We then are lost but run across a river and I recommend North fork. They ignore me and go South fork and we end up taking the long way. Then instead of waiting for spring, the move forward and we run into a blizzard!! We almost starve and we get lost. We then sail our boats down to the sea!! I sure learned a lot and had fun exploring!!! I MADE IT!!! ;)

  38. The Expidition started with the question of do you want to bring paper and books or a 2 years worth of food and I said paper and books. I said this because it said in the reading yesterday that the 2 most important things to bring was a gun and axe so if you have thoughs you don't need food because you can hunt if you bring food you cant do your job of recording and making maps. Then it asked if I wanted to give up my food that I have or stand firm and I stood firm and luckely there chief came and stopped them from attacking me. Then there was a split in the river and I chose South but that led me to a big mountain and decided to go over in the blizard and i made it to the ocean.

  39. The first decision I made was to take 2 years worth of food. Once I made that decision I regretted it because I forgot that food doesn't last that long.The next decision I made was to stand firm against the Indians. Thanks to the chief there was no fighting. Then being as smart as I am I wanted an interpreter so I let his wife and future child on board. I may not be an expert but i know the quickest route there. But they still didn't listen. After that I chose to go through the winter and get there quicker. After I nearly died the adventure was over.

  40. On m journey I picked lots of paper because I figured that if I chose a lot of food then it would take longer to carry it. Then when the Indians demanded food I stood my ground I would not lose my food to the Indians. Then I let the kids come along because I thought that the parents who come could tell me where I should go so I don't die. then I chose the south route so I don't lose things in the muddy water. Then at the mountain I chose to wait until spring so I don't die in the freezing cold, but the Indians made me go, but I made it!

  41. Private Joe made up his mind that we have enough food and we started my journy. Then i found out that food will get spoiled and i should off brout paper. The indians tri to stop me and steal my food. But i stood my ground and them indian chief backed down.(hahahhah). This guy wants to be are inturprater. But she had a little kid and shes pregnet so..... I said no. But even no i said no they still came as tag alongs. But im glad because she meet her brother and he gave us hourses. Them indians did not tell me there was a fork in the road. I went north but the captin decided to go the long way.Some snow falls i dont care ill move ahead. My stuiped friend led us the wrong way. We starved and ate three colts but we made it out. We went to the ocean and made it. yeeessss
