Social Studies Lab - The Irish Potato Famine

Allow Splat to give you a tour through a rural Irish village, a work house, a school, and the docks during the Irish Potato Famine.  Click on the link,, and navigate through the tour.  Then, return to the blog and write a reflection on what was most memorable to you and why.  Please use complete sentences and proofread your work before posting!


  1. The most memorable was their school. That must have been horrible because you wouldn't learn much if it was mixed ages. I think it wouldn't be fair, say you were in 1st grade and the teacher was teaching 3rd grade stuff. You probably wouldn't understand it.

  2. The most memorable was the house that had no windows and one door and the rely mean landlord i would imagine it would be up setting to get kicked out of your house because your to poor to pay and your crops are not growing to sell them.

  3. I found the workhouse interesting because it gave poor and starving people a chance to live. Splat told me that many more people would have died if it wasn't for the workhouse.

  4. The most memorable was the landlord thing when you really got to see how they treated the poor and if i was there i would do the same as everyone else move.

  5. The most memorable thing to me was the Nasty Landlord piece. Eammon's diary was awful, I felt really bad for him and his family. I can't believe a human being could actually do that to another human being. I mean I was at least a little happy about the solider that let him go back in and get the baby's blanket. That at least shows that he has a heart. All in all I am utterly shocked at how they acted, i know it is there job but still. I just don't understand how they could live with themselves!

  6. I liked how the schools were set up, because the classroom looked a lot bigger than ours now. I also liked how the students were always quiet unless the teacher told them to talk.

  7. Magge Condry-KrizanMarch 2, 2011 at 8:50 AM

    The most memorable thing to me was the work houses and that they at least they tried to help people. I think it is horrible that they didn't even tell them that someone in their family was dying and that they put them in unmarked graves. But I think it is good that they had soup kitchens and hospitals and places for people to live.

  8. Eamonn's journal was the most memorable to be because It was really sad. even though it was sad they still had hope. Also the solder who let Eamonn back in to get a baby blanket was a nice solder. Even though the solders were not very nice to begin with, by burning down peoples houses, that was a very nice thing to do.

  9. My most memorable thing was the landlords. I thought to myself what it would be like to be evicted like that. I wonder what those people are thinking when they get evicted. It is sad that the guards who did it didn't feel bad

  10. The most memorable thing to me was the time line activity at the school. I got 3 of the questions right on my first try. I think it was a fun way to learn the time line of Irish history.

  11. The most memorable place was the work houses because most people try to avoid it because it was cramed and hard work not much pay. plus it was really sad that most people died there trying to fend for them selves.

  12. Ok the most memorable was the landlord house and how mad it made me when they treated people like that and i would put a end to it yell at them and eat there food and take there house and i would move like the rest of ireland.

  13. The most memorable thing I saw was the Workhouses. I think it is horrible that Micheal O'Kane didn't know his sister was dead until the day that it happened. I think that would be terrible, and very sad. I know my family would be devastated if we had to go to a workhouse and my younger sister got sick and then got even sicker because of the poor conditions. I also thought that the school was much different, it would be odd writing on a slate. I think that it is terrible that some landlords would send soldiers to burn down the houses when people couldn't afford to pay their rent. I can tell that the famine was very hard on the Irish, physically and emotionally.

  14. I thought it was kind of sad that the landlords destroyed the peoples houses when they couldn't pay for their rent. Why not keep it and get some one else to pay for it? I liked that some of the landlords helped them with their rent; even help pay for them to go to America!! I thought that was very generous.

  15. the captain be cause he treated those people bad and he lied to them right in their face so i felt sorry for those people who had to deal with him.

  16. i remember the landlord the most it was terrible that he knew they didn't have money but still came and asked for it even though her husband died and she had children he still asked her and use threats to kick her out.
    i probably remember it more because i can remember a time when we had to watch our money and i was young and worried.

  17. The most memorable was the stories that the kids told. Especially the one about his youngest and most favorite sister. It's horrible that the kids had to work like that just to live. Also looking at the entries with the ages of people really impacted me. Just looking at how many young kids had to work like that really impacts you. It really makes you appreciate your life..

  18. I thought the most memorable thing about the famine was the landlords. Some of them would be very harsh. They would yell at the top of their lungs, and burn the house down. You would only get a short amount of time to get ready. They wont let you back in the house either. Other landlords would be way kinder. They wouldn't yell as loud, and they would give you more time.
    Another memorable thing was school. It would be very hard to learn because you would have a bunch of people in the class. The students were all mixed ages, too. Twice a week you had to bring stuff to make the school warm. I don't think the school was very fair.

  19. i thought the most memorable was Eamonn's diary because it wasn't there fault the crops didn't grow but at least there were some helpful landlords.I'm sorry even though I'm Irish i say how dare you nasty landlords and lying sailors who promised the Irish a comfy beds!!!
