8th Grade SOS #15

As you work on your Free-Soil Party Campaign posters, it might be helpful see learn about the campaign slogans of the past.  Candidates used slogans that reflected who they were, what that stood for, what they had accomplished, and/or what they hope to accomplish as President of the United States.  Click on the FactMonster site (http://sf.factmonster.com/quizzes/slogans/1.html) and that the campaign slogan quiz.  Then, return to the blog and reflect on the following:
1.  record your score.
2. which slogan seemed unusually or bizarre?  Explain.
3.  which slogan would win you over or get your attention? Explain.


  1. 1.2/10
    2.Trade trade, no free trade. Because I dont really get what it means.
    3. A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage. Because I like the ring of it.

  2. 1.2/10
    2. a chicken in every pot and a car in every car
    3.lets make America great again.

  3. 1. 3 right and 7 wrong
    2. "Save the Union." I thought it was bizarre because it was too generic.
    3. "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage." It would win me over at that time because everyone was poor and that would mean everyone would have money again.

  4. I answered 30% RIGHT.(:
    i thought the slogan "full-dinner pail" was a pretty strange slogan.
    i thought the slogan "peace,prosperity, and progress" was the best, and it would get my vote and catch my attention. It probably got my attention because every word started with a "p"..

  5. My score was one out of ten.
    Full-dinner plate was strange because why is there a full dinner plate.
    Lets make america great again would get my attention because america should be made great.

  6. 1. I got 0 out of 10!:(
    2. One slogan that was unusual was "A Chicken in Every Pot and a Car in Every Garage" which Hebert Hoover.
    3. "A Leader, for a Change" I really thought it meant a lot about the leader and how bad of a past they had.


  7. 1. i score was 5/10
    2. the one that said"A Chicken in Every Pot and a Car in Every Garage"
    3. a leader for a change. it caught my eye because they are saying that for once who may have a good leader.

  8. 1. 6/10
    2. The "Full-dinner pail" because i don't get when you would say it.
    3. "Peace, Prosperity, Progress" because it sounds cool

  9. 1. I got 5 out of 10
    2. I think A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage I don't get it at all.
    3. Full-dinner pail I like because its like having a full plate of food

  10. 1. 3 out of 7.
    2. A strange one was trade, trade, no free trade because why would you not let people trade with people for free.
    3. Rebuild America Again would win me over because America needs rebuilding and it sounds good to the average person.

  11. Sorry for the inconvenience, but my name is actually Alex Gaffney...

  12. I got 7 right out of ten.
    2.I thought the one that was bizarre one was "A Chicken For Every Pot And A Car For Every Garage.
    3." Lets have a leader for a change.

  13. My score was 4/10. The slogan I thought was most unusual or bizarre was "A Chicken in Every Pot and a Car in Every Garage." I found this quite peculiar. The slogan that would win over my attention is probably "A leader, for a change" because it would make me think that the candidate was ready to lead us.

  14. 1. I got 2 out of 10.
    2. I thought the most bizarre one was said by William Mckinley, which was "Full-dinner pail"
    3. The one that got my attention was " A Chicken in Every Pot and a Car in Every Garage,' said by Herbert Hoover.

  15. 1. I got 7/10 :)

    2. "Full-dinner pail". I don't know what a full-dinner pail is. Also I would never personally put food in a pail.

    3. "A Leader, for a Change". It would win me over because it is stated that he is going to be different from the other presidents. He was going to lead us well, and he was going to change our ways.

  16. 1. 3 out of 7 (30%).
    2. "a chiken in every pot and a car in every garage." I found that bizare because it was such a strange thing to say.
    3. A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage." would win me because as strange as it is it has a good meaning that the poor would be feed and the people will have money.

  17. 1.My score was 3 right and 7 wrong.
    2.The one that said,"A Chicken in Every Pot and a Car in Every Garage," didn't make any sense to me. I don't have a clue what it is talking about.
    3.I like the one that said,"Tippecanoe and Tyler too," because it rhymed ,and we learned about this so it actually makes sense.

  18. 4/10
    "trade,trade,no free trade" was bizarre to me.
    "a chicken in the pot, and a car in the garage" got my attention.

  19. 1.2 out of 10
    2."A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage," It' didn't make sense at first,but I think it means everything back to normal again.
    3. "a leader, for a change" It's saying that your a leader and the other candiate isn't a leader.

  20. 1. I scored 1 out of 10
    2. Every person will have a car in their garage.
    3. None
